
튜터링 전화영어 29회차

따봉도치 2021. 3. 16. 19:35

I studied basic grammar  again today. NOUNS, PRONOUNS are relatively easy, so they ended quickly. 

and ADJECTIVES can be divided into 3 types -> 1.Be + adj 2.Comparative 3.Superlative.

Anyway I was so so so busy and tired today...........


New things

amiable[ˈeɪmiəbl] - very friendly 상냥한



  • pronoun [ˈproʊ-] (w sound)
  • computer (pu 강조)
  • cute (길게)
  • tall 




  • What describes verbs?
  • What part of speech describes verbs?
  • Does comparative always need two people?

English composition

  • Last weekend was so fun. because I went to the coin karaoke after a long time.
  • I want to continue our basic grammar study.