튜터링 전화영어 52, 53, 54 회차 [Expressions of color]
2021. 6. 1. 20:00
I finished this topic card(expressions - color) at last!!
New things
- grateful - 고마운, 감사한
- get the hang of it - 요령을 터득하다.
- by the way - 그건 그렇고
- gray area (noun) - something unclear // ambiguous (adj)
- ex. what is the gray area?
- ex. that is not clear for me.
- ex. English has many gray areas.
- golden opportunity - perfect chance
- gold < golden - 둘 다 형용사 지만 후자를 더 많이 씀
- to ~: ~ 하기에 절호의 기회
- of ~: ~의 절호의 찬스
- ex. this meeting is my golden opportunity to present my research.
- complicate 복잡하게 하다
- white lie(countable)
- yellow-bellied(adj) = coward (countable noun / adj)
- a person who is not brave.
- ex. she considered him a coward for failing to join up in the war.
- green with envy (좋겠다~ 수준으로 사용하기) / envious = jealous
- caught + SOMEONE DOING + red-handed
- out of the blue (out of nowhere은 좀 더 장소, 위치에 국한)
- the black sheep - 단순히 바보같음이 아니라, 가문의 수치, 한 그룹 내의 말썽꾸러기
- meteor [miːtiɔː(r)] 유성
- by = next to, near
- law [lɔː]
- saw [sɔ́ː]
- rule [ ruːl ]
- white [waɪt]
- definitely [ˈdefɪnətli]
- yellow-bellied [-bèlid]
- coward [ |kaʊərd ]
- lack [ leɪk ]
- personality [|pɜːrsə│næləti]
- copying [kɑ́piiŋ]
- We haven't done that yet.
- We don't do that. (일상적인 일에 대해 말할 때)
- I need to think more / I need more time to think. (to+verb 기억하기)
- It is an unclear part to explain.
- White lies disturb me.
- I am so envious of (jealous of/about) something.
- I rode a bike around/by the stream.
- I don't know how to explain it.
- I caught her breaking a rule red-handed.
- The dog he brought is such a black sheep.
- I didn't do my homework / I never did my homework.
- My sister is the black sheep of my family because she committed a crime.
English Composition
- He told a white lie so she doesn't worry.
- I like horror movies but I am yellow-bellied.
- It was a normal day, as usual.
- I think I will go to the office in September.
- I got off work early and rode a bike.