
튜터링 전화영어 <Hit the expression:Take>

따봉도치 2022. 3. 31. 17:33

<Hit the expression: Take>



take on: to begin to perform or deal with something.
take turns:
do something alternately
take over:
to begin to have control of something. (인계받다, 넘겨받다) // 영원한 느낌
take the time:
spend time to do something
take the initiative/lead:
do something actively
- take the initiative/lead + and do something : 무언가를 주도적으로 한다는 것

* for good [noun]
= forever, permanently

* hooked on
= ~에 푹빠진

* crave [kreɪv][verb]
= to have a very strong feeling of wanting something.
ex. What food are you craving now?

- advice [noun, uncountable] [ədˈvaɪs]
- advise [verb] [ədˈvaɪz]


  • alternately [-nətli] //얼터닛리
  • resume 1. 다시하다 [rɪzuːm] 2. 이력서 [ˈrezəmeɪ]
  • initiative [ɪˈnɪʃətɪv]
  • swing [swɪŋ] // i는 짧고, ng를 길게
  • storm [stɔːrm] // store 발음 + 입다물기 = 스토어엄
  • actively [ǽktivli]
  • evaluation [ivæ̀ljuéiʃən]
  • promoted [pruh·mow·tuhd]
  • priority[praɪɑːrəti]
  • mango [mæŋɡoʊ]
  • recognize [ˈrekəɡnaɪz]
  • producer [prəduːsə(r)]



  • Don't take a bite of my food habitually.
  • He doesn't take the time for our project. so we will remove his name from(off) the PowerPoint.
  • My husband and I agreed on taking turns with the house chores.
  • You need to take the initiative to get promoted.
  • you seem like a leader. / you seem like the leader type of person.
  • we've been friends since we were young.



  • I was going to get off work early today.
  • nurses usually take turns working.
  • There were so many people in the library. so we couldn't take a seat together.
  • What does it taste like? (I wonder what it tastes like) Can I take a bite?
  • I like taking the lead when I'm in a group.
  • When I have a lot of emotional consumption.


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