튜터링 전화영어 <Choose A or B>
2022. 5. 10. 17:35
= step
= a single step, or the distance you move when you take a single step.
ex. Take two paces forwards/backwards.
*bum out [verb]
= to make someone feel sad or disappointed.
ex. That comment just bummed me out.
*medicine (uncountable & countable)
*if memory serves [idiom]
= remember accurately.
ex. It was on the third day, if my memory serves me right, that I saw the lad killed.
*in detail
- as regards every feature or aspect.
- fully
*toss and turn
= 뒤척이다
= to move about and turn over in bed because one is unable to sleep
*new words
- dragging : 질질 끄는
- spiral [adj] : winding around a center, 나선의
- flavorful [fléivərfəl][adj] : full of flavor, 풍미 있는
- quoted [kwəʊtɪd] // 쿠어딧
- coke [koʊk]
- computer [kəmˈpjuːtə(r)] (몇 번 틀리냐고..)
- forest [fɑːrɪst]
- proceed [proʊsiːd] // 2번째 음절 강조
- owl [aʊl]
- proceeded [proʊsiːd] // ce에서 강하게
- moral [mɑːrəl]
- access [ˈækses] // 첫 음절 강하게
- genre [ˈʒɑːnrə]
- patty [ˈpæti]
- dimity [díməti] // 첫음절 강세
- market [mɑːrkɪt]
- jealous [ˈdʒeləs]
- shall [ʃəl]
- toss [tɔːs]
- I think Sprite has a cleaner taste than coke.
- My sister says the same thing.
- I think it tastes like medicine.
- Before starting our class, you said in our last class that we're going to read "~~" again.
- I just heard of/about that. // listen은 의도적으로 들은 것
- I used to like it, but now I don't.
- I'm a night owl.
- I hate waking up early.
- I know Burger King doesn't have these types of burgers.
- I think an apartment is more secure.
I think an apartment has better security. - You don't like going to your hometown.
- I was born in another city.
- Comic books are easier to read than novels.
- It makes me know the stories in detail.
- I think a sedan is usually more expensive than an SUV. //SUV 앞에 an
- More people can ride in SUVs. / SUVs can accommodate many people.
- I can't stand hot weather
- Why isn't 'in' need? / Why did you remove 'in'?
- Pot boiled ramen is more flavorful than cup ramen.
- I prefer Sprite to Coke.
- I'm not picky about them.
- I guess I'm insensitive to taste.
- Is this your recent picture?
- I think there will be a lot of bugs in the mountain.
- Usually, I travel using both.
But I prefer trains to buses. because I am carsick when I am on the bus for a long time. - I prefer paper books.
Because e-books are hard to concentrate and I do other things like sns, youtube without realizing it. - Is everything all right?
- I think I'll be bored if I live in the countryside.
- It depends on the genre of the movie.
If graphics and sound are important genres like SF, I prefer to watch them in the cinema.
But the other thing, it doesn't matter where I watch it. - I feel awkward.
- I can't wait for the weekend to come.
- How can I say A as a subject?
- Are you strong against the heat?
- 읽을 때, 감정 실어서 읽기
- 말 끝 올리지 말자
- 수!!! 맞추기 // generic한 대상을 말할 때, 수.. 유의하자