튜터링 전화영어 [Life as a worker]
2022. 8. 19. 22:58
* as far as I know
- 내가 아는한
* say/tell vs speak/talk
1. say vs tell [message]
- say + something (to someone)
- tell + someone + something
2. speak vs talk [no message]
- speak : 말하는 행위
- talk : 말을 주고받는 행위
- using language
- opening your mouth and making sounds to deliver a message
* worn out [adj]
= 닳아 빠진
= extremely tired
= no longer usable because of too much use.
e.g. My shoes are worn out. I can't use them anymore.
*nature of someone's work
= the type of work that someone does.
e.g. What is the nature of your work?
- 밤새도록
- something that lasts all night.
- an event that lasts all night.
e.g. He apparently pulled eight all-nighters in two weeks.
* New words
- lay back : 긴장을 풀다
- freckle : 주근깨
- yawn : 하품하다
- conspicuous : 눈에 잘 띄는
- concise : 간결하다
- Imagine an imaginary menagerie manager managing an imaginary menagerie.
- secret [ˈsiːkrət]
- party [ˈpɑːrti] // 파알디
- originality [əˌrɪdʒəˈnæləti] // 4음절 강세
- I recommended it to Hailey.
- I don't know my company's values well. // home이 예외인거임(부사처럼 동작). 나머지는 소유격 붙이기
- These days I have to invest in my skin.
- What are you wearing now? // dress up 은 특정 상황에
- My mom told me "Please throw it out"
- It's more comfortable than working outside
- I work from 12pm to/until 10 am
- Because our company's game was about to be released, we had to pull an all-nighter.
- It depends on what kind of party it is.