튜터링 전화영어 [Weather & Season2]
2023. 3. 8. 19:29
[New Expressions]
*전기 관련 단어
1. electric : 전기의 (전기를 이용하는, 전기가 필요한) + 장비/기계
2. electrical : 전기의 (전기와 관련된) + 일반적인 명사
3. electronic : 전자의 +
4. electronics : 전자공학
5. electricity : 전기, 전류
*feel like + clause
= describe A being similar to B
*feel like + verb
= it is what you want to do
e.g. I feel like watching a movie.
*is in the air
- If something is in the air, you feel that it is happening or about to happen
e.g. The sun was shining and spring was in the air.
e.g. Love is in the air = 사랑의 기운이 감돈다
toss and turn : 뒤척이다
drought : 가뭄
temperature is different in the evening and during the day : 일교차가 심하다
chilly: 쌀쌀한
sunken (sink의 과거분사): 움푹 들어간 / 홀쭉한 / 물 밑의, 물 속의
bundle up : 겹겹이 따뜻하게 입다
hibernate [haɪbərneɪt]: 동면하다, 칩거하다, 들어박히다.
blizzard [blɪzərd] : 심한 눈보라(snowstorm), 폭풍설
fluctuate [ˈflʌktʃueɪt] : 변동하다, 오르내리다, 불안정하다
- to change or vary frequently between one level or thing and another.
- electronic [ ɪ|lek|trɑːnɪk ]
- September [sepˈtembə(r)]
- autumn [ ˈɔːtəm ]
- several [ˈsevrəl] // 입 많이 안 벌리고
- progress [prɑːɡres]
- fork [fɔːrk] // r 제대로
- cardigan [kɑːrdɪɡən] // 1
- electricity [ɪˌlekˈtrɪsəti]
- gas [ɡæs]
- clause [klɔːz]
- frozen [ˈfroʊzn]
- chocolate [│tʃɑːklət]
[FEEDBACK] - 자주 틀리는 문법 / 새로 배운 표현 / 빠진 부분
- Because the electricity bill was so expensive and less hot.
- At the end of September, we slept without an AC.
- When I take the subway to work in the summer, I always feel like I'm melting.
- I feel like eating
achicken.- chicken 은 가산명사일 땐 닭, 불가산명사일 땐 치킨
- What does sunken mean?
- I know it's going to get cold again next week.
- You have to wear a warmer.
- These days the temperature at night is negative three degrees Celsius.
These days it's negative three degrees Celsius at night. - I saw the gas bill so I haven't used it since then.
I haven't used the boiler since I saw the gas bill.
I turned off the boiler right away. - When the windchill is artic, I feel like my ears are being cut off.
- are cutting off 는 능동태같음
- are being = in the middle of being cut
- Why did you use 'being' in this sentence?
- Look at the cherry blossoms. Spring is in the air!
- Is it always like that?