튜터링 전화영어 <North America Speak>
2023. 5. 24. 20:55
[New Expressions]
*on a scale of
- 범위 내 평가하기
- On a scale of 1 to 10, I give it a 10.
*element [noun]
- a part of something
e.g. The movie had all the elements of a good thriller.
dictatorship [│dɪktərʃɪp] 독재정권
superstition [│suːpərstɪʃn] 미신
nag 잔소리하다
Good Friday 성금요일
*put the time closer to the thing it modifies
- forest [│fɔːrɪst; │fɑːrɪst] // 1
- country [ ˈkʌntri ]
- design [ dɪˈzaɪn ]
- snowmobile [ |snoʊmoʊbiːl ]
- immigrant [ˈɪmɪɡrənt] // 1
- chocolate [ |tʃɑːklət] // 레잇x 릿o
- beverage [ ˈbevərɪdʒ ] // g
- cuba [ kjú:bə ]
- comedian [ kəˈmiːdiən ] // 미-
- similar [ˈsɪmələ(r)]
- allow [əˈlaʊ]
[FEEDBACK] - 자주 틀리는 문법 / 새로 배운 표현 / 빠진 부분
- I took half the day off. (the day off)
- when I came back home, I cleaned my house
- Sometimes I want to go to a place where there's a tropical rainforest.
- simpler
- black elements
- I am satisfied with the current design.
- satisfy는 능동이니까
- I don't know what it feels like to ride a dog sled.
- Have you been to Switzerland?
- I like it. On a scale of 1 to 10, I give it a (score of) 9.
- In the past, I would give it a 10. // In the past, I would have given it a 10.
- it invades personal freedom.
- I can't think of any advantages.
- I think its taste is not what I would expect.
- They didn't expect it to be sour.
- I have to take one more exam.
- There aren't similar stories here about Good Friday.
- When I was young, my parents nagged me when I shook my leg.
- I'll keep that in mind!
- I don't care about chocolate brands.
- I'll check it out.
- Does 'witch' mean such people regardless of gender?