따봉도치야 고마워

튜터링 전화영어 64, 65, 66회 [Expressions of Table] 본문


튜터링 전화영어 64, 65, 66회 [Expressions of Table]

따봉도치 2021. 7. 7. 21:05

New things

  • before/after + ing (바로 뒤에 오는 동사면)
  • lay = put

[Expressions of Table]

  • under the table [adj, adv] = secret secretly
  • turn the tables = to change from being in a weaker position to being in a stronger position
  • on the table [adj] = open for discussing // it is being considered.
  • off the table = to be withdrawn or to be no longer available.
  • (to) table [verb] = to delay discussion of a subject. / to decide not to discuss until a later time
  • round table
    1. an open discussion
    2. a meeting at which people discuss something and everyone has an equal chance to express an opinion
  • lay one's cards on the table = speak frankly(honestly).
  • get someone around the table = gathering someone to discuss something.



  • table [ˈteɪbl] // L  발음 제대로
  • coach [koʊtʃ]
  • court [kɔːrt]
  • lawyer [ˈlɔːjə(r)]
  • though [ðoʊ]
  • promotion [prəmoʊʃn]
  • further [ |fɜːrðə(r) ] 
  • concrete [kɑːŋkriːt]
  • project [ prə|dʒekt ]
  • intention [ɪnˈtenʃn]
  • result [rɪˈzʌlt]
  • assailant[əˈseɪlənt]
  • goal[ɡoʊl]
  • resolve[rɪˈzɑːlv]
  • read 과거형 일 때 [red]



  • I know it but I don't know how to explain it.
  • They will turn the tables in the last round.
  • Your suggestion is still on the table.
  • I can't think of anything anymore.
  • She asked me if I could table the proposal  until next month
  • 'round table' means we are meeting at the round table.
  • What is the meaning of "lay"? / What does "lay" mean?
  • Before laying your cards on the table, maybe think about what you will tell him.
  • "Get someone around the table" means gathering someone to discuss something.
  • to + main form
  • Let's get the team members around the table to resolve the problem.


English Composition

  • my boss gets the company's money under the table.
  •  Actually, I was going to play with my friend, but the pandemic suddenly got worse in Korea, so I rested at home.
  • such a shame
  • let us table that suggestion later.
  • Doesn't it matter where 'Already' is in the sentence?
  • Our team members like having a round table for planning.
  • I ended up laying my cards on the table.