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따봉도치야 고마워
튜터링 전화영어 82 - 87회차 <WORDS GAME> 본문
*farther vs further
- 둘 다 more far 의 의미지만
- farther : 길이나 거리
- further : 시간이나 양
*military time
- the system of using 24 numbers instead of twelve to refer to the hour in the day.
- 18:00 -> eighteen hundred.
ex. The clock should be read in military time.
*whereas [conjunction]
- compared with the fact that
- but
- similar to "on the other hand" but used in the same sentence
// on the other hand + 새로운 문장
*tin [noun]
- a closed metal container in which food is sold.
* Active voice vs Passive voice
- Active : the subject is the doer of the action.
- Passive : the subject is the receiver of the action.
for + ing / to + main form
- carnivore [kɑːrnɪvɔː(r)] : 육식동물
- carnivorous [kɑ:rnívərəs] : 육식의, 육식성
- lightweight : 가벼운 사람, 알콜쓰레기
- slippery : 미끄러운
- utensil [juːˈtensl] : 가정에서 사용하는 도구 (a tool with a particular use, especially in a kitchen or house.)
- whisk : 거품기
- backlog : 밀린 일
- cute [kjuːt] // u 길게
- modes [mowdz]
- half [hæf]
- plate [pleɪt]
- read [red] (과거, 과거분사 - 앞에 be 붙었는지 보고 확인)
- various [væriəs]
- can[kən; kæn] //길게
- invisible [ɪnˈvɪzəbl]
- Pfizer [fáizər]
- change [tʃeɪndʒ] //쥐발음 하지말기
- diamond [ˈdaɪəmənd] //다이믄드
- horn [hɔːrn]
- closet [ˈklɑːzət]
- wallet [wɔːlɪt]
- flour [ˈflaʊə(r)]
- sugar [ˈʃʊɡə(r)]
- fog [fɔːɡ; fɑːɡ]
- song[sɔːŋ] (길) / sung [sʌŋ] (짧)
- heater [ˈhiːtə(r)] (길) / hitter [ˈhɪtə(r)] (짧)
- used [juːzd]
- control [kəntroʊl]
- Both dogs and cats are cute and they have fur.
- Dogs are more loyal than cats.
- Both trains and buses are modes/forms/means of transportation.
- Eyes and nose are different. Because I can consciously open my eyes but not my nose.
- Eyes and nose are different. Because the eyes can be handled consciously, but the nose cannot.
- Superman can fly whereas Spiderman can't.
- They are similar because they are both dangerous.
- I can call someone using a phone but not with paper.
- I'm so
- Pencil marks(anything written with a pencil) can be erased but pen marks can't.
- A was born on May 6th, 1998.
- Candles have various smells but lighters don't.
- Gas is not good(harmful) for the health but the air is.
- We can put something in them.
- Tigers live on land but sharks live in the sea.
- Both are four-legged. (have four legs) // has nine heads or is nine-headed 와 같음
- Diamonds are more expensive than steel.
- When I drink a lot of them. I can get(be) drunk with beer but not with coffee.
- can 뒤에는 be보다 get을 추천
- What is written on a whiteboard can be erased, but not on a canvas
- Their spelling is the same length. / The two words have the same spelling length.
- Pots are deeper than pans.
- The sun can shine by itself.
- Both of them(Both/They) have two ears.
- The cloud is usually up in the air(atmosphere) and the frog is closer to land.
- They both end in 's'.
- The picture can only be looked at but the song can only be sung.
- The air conditioner is used in summer but the heater is used in winter.
- I'm done.
- I realized my mistake.
- I'm still on the clock.
- Is there a word like that?
- I got the vaccine and I am off from today to next Wednesday.
- They are in outer space. (= in the space)
- I think everything I said today is wrong.
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