따봉도치야 고마워

튜터링 전화영어 117~119화 <Passive vs Active> 본문


튜터링 전화영어 117~119화 <Passive vs Active>

따봉도치 2022. 2. 15. 19:33

<Passive vs Active>

It's all thanks to you



Active Voice
- 행동에 초점

Passive Voice
- 대상에 초점
- formula: receiver + be p.p + doer
- 목적어가 2개 이상인 문장은 간접/직접 목적어를 주어로 2개의 수동태 문장을 만들 수 있다.

*putt [verb]
= to hit a golf ball gently across an area of short and even grass towards or into a hole.
ex. Palmer putted the ball straight into the hole.

*deaf  == can't hear

*be into something
= to be really interested in something.
ex. My girlfriend is really into shopping and fashion but I hate it.

- give someone something
- give something to someone

*hit/put/quit은 현재/과거/과거분사 전부 형태가 동일하다.


4형식 수동태 해석 연습

목적어가 두 개인 문장의 수동태 *능동태 문장의 목적어가 수동태 문장의 주어가 되기 때문에, 간접목적어(...




  • focus [foʊkəs]
  • basketball [bæskɪtbɔːl]
  • noticed //now-tist
  • formula [fɔːrmjələ]
  • Donald [dɑ́nld]
  • morning [ˈmɔːrnɪŋ]
  • monitor [mɑːnɪtə(r)]
  • Beethoven [béitouvən]
  • quartet [kwɔːrˈtet]
  • concerto[kəntʃɜːrtoʊ]
  • company [ˈkʌmpəni]
  • comfirmation  [ |kɑːnfər|meɪʃn ]
  • published [puh·bluhsht]
  • deaf [def]
  • talent [ˈtælənt] //TAL-uhnt
  • third [θɜːrd]



  • I am helped with my homework by my older brother.
  • Credit cards are not accepted by us.
  • Some letters were given to me by Mark.
  • A confirmation mail was not sent to me by Paul.
  • During this time, football players were put in jail.
  • I don't know where I made a mistake. / I can't find my mistake.
  • His first set of string quartets was published in 1801.
  • Also, they received one-thrid of the shares and a 10 percent royalty on every airplane which was sold.
  • I was born on May 1, 1990, in Seoul, Korea.
  • My top priority is my happiness but I have no specific reason.



  • That's a relief!