따봉도치야 고마워

튜터링 전화영어 <Hit the expression: Keep> 본문


튜터링 전화영어 <Hit the expression: Keep>

따봉도치 2022. 3. 14. 19:31

<Hit the expression: Keep>

= to remain의 의미



keep away:
가까이 하지 않다 (go away는 지금 멀리 하라는 것)
keep clam
keep going
keep in:
머물게 하다. keep staying in a place.
keep in mind
keep in touch
keep pace
keep score:
record score
keep tabs on:
to watch something or someone carefully.

* lose touch [idiom]
= to stop communicating with each other: to no longer know what is happening in each other's lives.
- keep in touch 의 반대

* live 발음
- life의 복수(명사) or 형용사로 쓰일 땐  [ˈlaɪv]
- 동사로 쓰일 땐 [lɪv]

*no matter how + adj

*one's thing
= soemthing that someone enjoys
ex. It's just not my thing.

*cup of tea (취향)
= something one likes or excels in
ex. I see already that stroytelling isn't my cup of tea.

* on time vs in time
- on time : arriving at the correct time and not late, 정확한 시간에 
- in time : early enough, 시간 내에

- detention[dɪˈtenʃn] : 방과후 남는것
- newlywed[njú:liwèd] : 신혼부부
- triathlon[traɪˈæθlən] : 철인 3종 경기
- portrayed : 묘사된, 표현된


  • breath [breθ]
  • breathe [briːð]
  • reached // 리-칱
  • several [ˈsevrəl]
  • college [kɑːlɪdʒ]
  • tab [tæb]
  • several [ˈsevrəl]
  • height [haɪt]
  • hoping //호우핑
  • gluten [ˈɡluːtn]
  • allergic [əˈlɜːrdʒɪk] (2음절 강조)
  • computer [kəmˈpjuːtə(r)]
  • oliver [ɑ́ləvər]
  • thriathlon [traɪˈæθlən] //끊기지 않게 (트라이아 슬런)
  • experience [ɪkspɪriəns] ***
  • marathon [│mærəθɑːn]



  • I need to try to keep calm because I usually can't control my feelings/emotions.
  • It means to keep staying in a place.
  • When it is used as a verb, it is pronounced '[lɪv]'?
  • If you keep going with your job no matter how hard it is, you will get recognition.
  • Sarah always buys BTS concert tickets no matter how expensive they are.
  • Coffee and drinks are not my things, so I keep away from them.
  • The tutor should not forget to keep tabs on the dogs when he opens the doors.
  • She started to go running / to run
  • She didn't turn in an essay on time so the teacher kept her in school.
  • What is the difference between A and B? // What is different 보다 자연스러움
  • Let's try to keep in touch.
  • The mother wants to keep going on with their health
  • The mother wants to keep them calm because when they eat chocolate they are so excited.



  • Keep in mind that you have to wake up early tomorrow.
  • When we walk with children, we need to keep pace with them.
  • We are three people, so one of us has to keep score.
  • Let's keep in touch!
  • I think the mother wants to keep going with their health.



  • 발음 지적 엄청 많이 받았다. 연습해야징
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