따봉도치야 고마워

튜터링 전화영어 <100가지 주제로 말하기 1> 본문


튜터링 전화영어 <100가지 주제로 말하기 1>

따봉도치 2022. 6. 14. 21:48


- Something that is nerve-racking is difficult to do and causes a lot of 

*ballpark [adj]
- 대략적인 액수
- A ballpark estimate or figure is a number that is a guess, but one that you believe is near the correct number.
e.g. Could you give me a ballpark figure?

*acheivement vs accomplishment
- acheive = to reach a goal
- accomplish - finish a task

*die of [verb]
- to die because of (something)
- sometimes used figuratively to say something causes a lot of discomfort, distress, etc.
ex. I almost died of embarrassment.
ex. He died of old age.

+ natural death는 자연사를 의미해 많은 것을 내포한다. (나이가 들어 죽거나, 질병으로 죽는 경우)

   따라서 die of 를 써서 좀 더 특정한 이유를 말할 수 있다.

*abode [əˈboʊd] [noun]
- the place where someone lives.
ex. Welcome to my humble abode!
ex. They were reluctant to leave their lifelong abode.

timidly : 소심하게
capable [ˈkeɪpəbl] :유능한, 할 수 있는
gibberish [ˈdʒɪbərɪʃ] : 횡설수설, 헛소리
nailed : 완벽하게 해내다.
figuratively [fɪɡərətɪv] : 비유적으로

reluctant [rɪˈlʌktənt][adj] : 꺼리는
neighborhood : 근처, 인근 // hood가 들어가면 보편적으로 장소를 의미함



  • technology [teknɑːlədʒi] // 3
  • continuously [kənˈtɪnjuəs] // 2 
  • pajama [pədƷɑ́:mə]
  • wore [wor] // 오얼
  • exact [ɪɡˈzækt]
  • start [stɑːrt]
  • specific [spəˈsɪfɪk]



  • I have worked here for one year and a half.
  • I was so nervous. / It's so nervous-racking.
  • It is still hard to talk with them. / I'm still having a hard time talking with them.
  • It went perfectly as I planned.
  • I can feel a sense of accomplishment.
  • we have flexible working hours.
  • thought it was a good present for myself.
  • I don't want to worry about that. / I don't want to be worried about that.
  • Maybe we have to start from page 13
  • I wore a black suit and black shoes.
  • This month, a famous Korean MC died so every Korean was surprised. 
    • nation 앞에 형용사를 붙이는 편
    • In this month도 맞지만 굳이 안 붙여도 됨.
  • This app's name is 14F.
  • I know this app only uses Korean.
  • one hour by subway.
  • was born in Suwon.
  • I have lived in this town.



  •  I feel a sense of accomplishment, so I can keep doing it.
  • There's an age gap and I don't have confidence in my skills, so I act more timidly.
  • These days, I spent more money on clothes to go to work. But I don't think it's more than 1000 dollars.
  • I only wore pajamas yesterday.
  • I tend to care a little bit without even knowing it.
  • I don't think environmental issues are covered enough.
  • What does 'neighborhood' mean, people or place?
  • Thank you for answering me


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