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따봉도치야 고마워
튜터링 전화영어 [Common Mistakes] 본문
- Imagine an imaginary menagerie manager managing an imaginary menagerie.
* THE + 장소
- 장소의 모음 (The USA, The UK, The phillipeen, Netherlands ...)
- 예외 : 강/바다/대양 (O), 호수/산 (X), 대륙(X)
*긍정/부정 공감
1) also/too/as well - for positive responses.
- I eat vegetables, too.
- She has been to Italy as well.
2) either/neither - for negative responses
- She doesn't eat vegetables either.
- Me neither // 나도 역시 그렇지 않다.
* 비교급(comparative), 최상급(superlative)
1) more/most + 2 음절 이상 단어
2) 1음절 단어 + er/est
- -y로 끝나면 ier/iest
3) 예외
- more fun, most fun
*emigrate vs immigrate
1) emigrate (떠나는 것에 포커스: E / exit)
- to leave a country permanently and go to live in another one.
e.g. I emigrated from Canada when I was 10.
2) immigrate
- to come to live in a different country
e.g. Why did you immigrate to Korea?
*Say vs Tell
1) Say
- + something (to someone)
- when a person says something to no one in particular.
- 특정 대상에게 말하는게 아닐 때 (수신자는 생략 가능)
2) Tell
- + someone + something
- when you talk directly to someone. (수신자 생략 x)
*pick vs pick up
1) pick
1. choose
2. removal of separate things with your fingers
e.g) stop picking your nose.
3. taking flowers or fruits off from a plant or a tree.
2) pick up
1. grip something
2. increase or improve
3. answering the phone
* Almost
1. almost + verb / almost + adj
- 'nearly' or 'not completely'
- 거의 = 아직 행위나 상태가 완성되지 않은
- The man is almost touching the apple.
- She was almost finished with the presentation when the CEO arrived.
2. almost + amount [all | half]
- most of
- 거의 (범주의 의미)
- Almost all Koreans use Kakaotalk.
- Almost 10% of my coworkers ...
* Me neither
- 한쪽이 긍정이면 한쪽을 부정으로
- I saw nobody / I didn't see anybody.
- I don't need anybody / I need nobody.
* root for someone [verb]
= to show support for someone who is doing something difficult
= 성원을 보내다
+ cheer은 응원하는 것, root 는 마음 속으로 성원
e.g. Good luck! We're all rooting for you.
* new words
- dialect[ˈdaɪəlekt] : 방언/사투리
- Mediterranean[ˌmedɪtəˈreɪniən] : 지중해의
- booger - 코딱지 / 애칭으로 쓰기도 함 (= a piece of dried mucus from inside the nose.)
- mucus[ˈmjuːkəs] : 점액
*fruit, candy는 가산/불가산 명사 둘 다 가능
- Mediterranean [ˌmedɪtəˈreɪniən] // 4 음절 강세
- cheered // 업 다운
- usage [juːzɪdʒ] // 유세지
- Africa [ǽfrikə]
- Amazon [æməzən] // 애머잔
- America[əmérikə]
- song [sɔːŋ]
- refusal [rɪˈfjuːzl]
- superlative [suːpɜːrlətɪv]
- calculator [ˈkælkjuleɪtə(r)]
- emigrate [ˈemɪɡreɪt]
- immigrate [ˈɪmɪɡreɪt]
- people [ˈpiːpl] // 첫 음절 길게
- Venezuela [vènəzwéilə,-zwí:-] // 베네즈웨일러
- laundry [ˈlɔːndri]
- removal [rɪˈmuːvl]
- meteor [miːtiɔː(r)] // 미디열
- casino [kəsiːnoʊ]
- woke [wowk] // 워웈
- The team I rooted for won.
- What does "root" mean?
- Me neither.
- 앞이 긍정이면 뒤는 부정적인 단어 사용
- It's a little bit confusing.
- I'm a pizza lover too.
- I want to emigrate to a stable country. (언급한 적 없으므로 the 말고 a)
- I tell my friend about my new job.
- I told you what I want to eat.
- said 은 부자연스러움 (what = the thing that)
- I pick this dish because I already ate another one yesterday. // menu는 보통 리스트의 의미
- I'm almost done with my work.
- 'A' needs to be before 'B'.
- Is A the opposite of B?
- I'm sorry I kept you waiting
[추천받은 책]
- Grammar in Use Intermediate
- purple
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