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튜터링 전화영어 <Taste of the food> 본문
[New Expressions]
<맛 관련 표현>
- bland : 싱거운 / having no taste
- gooey : 끈적끈적한, 들러붙는 / thick and sticky.
- savory [séivəri] : 풍미 있는, 고소한, 감칠맛나는 / tasting of salt or spices and not sweet.
- tart : 시큼한
- leathery[ˈleðəri] : 질긴
- bland[blænd] : 싱거운, 담백한
- mushy : 걸쭉한, 흐물흐물한 / soft and having no firm shape.
- starchy : 녹말의 (탄수화물이 들어간 음식)
- tender : (고기)부드러운, 연한
- greasy[ˈɡriːsi; ˈɡriːzi] : 기름진
- beef jerky [dƷə́ːrki] : 육포
- brittle [ˈbrɪtl]: 부러지기 쉬운
- diligent : 부지런한
- ophthalmologist [│ɑːfθælmɑːlədʒɪst] 안과의사
- fermented [fr·men·tuhd] : 발효된
- harmonious[hɑːrmoʊniəs] : 균형잡힌
- the thinner the slices : 얇을 수록
- liking : 취향, 애호
- porridge [pɔːrɪdʒ; pɑːrɪdʒ] : 죽
*brittle vs fragile
- brittle : 물질이나 물건 자체가 깨지기 쉽거나 부서지기 쉬움 (물리적 특성)
- fragile : 물질의 상황/재질 등이 깨지기 쉬움
*since then
- 그 이후로. (+ has/have pp)
e.g. I haven't seen him since then.
*rancid [adj]
- 썩은 냄새가 나는, 악취가 나는
= tasting or smelling unpleasant because of not being fresh.
e.g.How much has it gone rancid?
- spongy [ˈspʌndʒi]
- allergy [ˈælərdʒi] // 1
- allergic [əˈlɜːrdʒɪk] // 2
- brittle [ˈbrɪtl]
- delicate [ˈdelɪkət] // 델리킷
- gooey [ˈɡuːi]
- sweetness [ˈswiːtnəs] //스윗/니스
- balance [ˈbæləns]
- searched 설췯
- moderately [mɑːdərətli] // 1
- chives [tʃáiv] // 1
- garlic[ˈɡɑːrlɪk] // * r-l발음 연습하기 & world
- happiness [hǽpinis] 해피느스
- smoky [ˈsmoʊki]
- tired [táiərd]
- fluffy [ˈflʌfi]
- syrup [ˈsirəp]
[FEEDBACK] - 자주 틀리는 문법 / 새로 배운 표현 / 빠진 부분
- It's not just sweet but it's also a little bit bitter.
(사물이어도 has 보다 is를 쓰는게 자연스러움) - How much sleep did you get? / How long did you sleep?
- We are already done until page two.
- When Chips Snack was released
- I haven't eaten one.
- it을 쓰면 특정한 것을 말함.
- There are many kinds of jeon.
- I don't like eating vegetables.
- I heard that green tea is good for our teeth.
- When I go to the dental clinic, there is always green tea.
- When I go to the dentist 가 좀 더 자연스럽 (go to + doctor) - How can she do this?
- tasty는 형용사
- I just wanted to try eating a plain lemon.
- I have never tried it again since then.
- I just heard about/of it.
- It's a little obvious.
- These days I usually eat chives kimchi (at) almost every meal.
- Every time I eat pork belly, I feel the same level of happiness.
- I don't know whether it's Korean food but one food just came to mind.
- I didn't fact-check.
- I just watched it.
- Are crispy and crunchy the same?
- It doesn't look bland.
- I'll take note of that.
- I just thought of it.
- I think that's why there think so.
- I don't get tired of it
- That was a perfect example.
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