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목록분류 전체보기 (210)
따봉도치야 고마워
Today is Independent Movement Day. (= national holiday) I took a class with Stefan on the subject of [10 Question, ask school supplies]. I prepared a topic card, and I can finish all the courses. And I get to learn better expressions. But I was sorry that I couldn't say goodbye because we didn't have enough time. New things sharpen - to make something sharp or sharper ex) My pencil is blunt. I n..
I will write a review in English from today. Today, I had a class with a Stefan tutor and a new topic card [10 Questions, ask transportation]. Actually, I didn't finish all the progress. but I got to learn a lot of grammar. Pronunciation colleague [KOL-eeg] wheel Feedback Does it have wheels? (have = do have/has = does have 라고 생각해서 의문문 만들기) Does Stefan buy bread everyday? Is it the fastest? (비교급..
오늘은 Carmela 튜터랑 2개의 토픽카드를 진행했당 저번 수업 때 나쁘지 않았던 기억이 있어서 예약했는데,, 흠 쏘쏘했당 새로 배운 것 intonation - rising and falling of your voice. 억양 넣어서 말하기 ! + would는 마음 could는 조건 발음 soap [sohp] //길게 toothbrush [tooth-bruhsh] razor towel [tou-uhl] 피드백 I often use soap more than body wash. I dry my hair with a towel and it will dry itself. 영작 Some words need 'the', and some words don't. What's the difference?
오늘은 Stefan과 [What is this transportation] 를 했당. 20분 안에 깔쌈하게 끝나서 좋다. 진짜 매번 매 문장마다 교정해줘서 행복쓰.. 갈길이 멀지만 처음보다는 질문도 많이하는 것 같다 새로 배운 것 - PREPOSITION (넓은 범위 순으로) IN - a period of time. ON - a specific day AT - a specific time + zealously: 열심히 발음 danced morning canoe ship tram 길게 피드백 I went out on Saturday. during our tutoring time. I will write it. I haven't been. = I have never been. we don't have one..
오늘은 Elia Rose 튜터랑 [MAY I TAKE YOUR ORDER] 토픽을 했당. 수업은 전반적으로 만족스러웠지만, 최애튜터들한테 너무 적응돼서 말로만 피드백 해주시는게 조금 아쉬웠다. 새로 배운 것 palpitate - the heart is beating faster than usual. Our names are almost the same. 발음 orange [ˈɔːr-;ˈɑːr-] pizza[ˈpiːtsə] vegetable[ˈvedʒtəbl] 피드백 I don't like drinking coffee. I tried it. I haven't tried drinking melon juice. = I've never drunk melon juice. 영작 I tried it a few tim..
오늘은 Stefan튜터랑 [ASKING FOR DIRECTION] 를 했당. 매번 느끼는거지만 엄청 열심히 가르쳐주셔서 좋다 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 나땜에 답답하실듯.. 새로 배운 것 the/a/an + common nouns (proper nouns 앞엔 ㄴㄴ, 특수한 경우가 있긴함) the + specific things a + common things pay off 성공하다 get to 도착하다 발음 (ㅋ..지옥의 발음) restaurant [Res-tuh-ranhnt] specific [spəˈsɪfɪk] //spi-SIF-ik excuse [ik-SKYOOZ] Niagara [naiǽɡərə] Keys 는 길게, Kids는 짧게 피드백 Excuse me, where is the library? Excuse m..
ㅎ..Jessica랑 예약 취소하는걸 까먹어서 8:30에 Alysson 튜터랑 한 번 하고, 10:30에 한 번 더 하게됐다..으아아악 결론적으로 Alysson 튜터는 리뷰보단 그냥그랬다. 난 모든 문장을 교정해주셨으면 했는데.. 극히 일부만 해주신.. 새로 배운 것 gerund toilet - 변기 자체, bathroom - 샤워가 가능한 가정 화장실, restroom - 일반적인 화장실 be my guest - used to give someone permission to do what they have asked to do 발음 Laundry [lawn-dree] Garage [guh-rahzh] 피드백 I can't sing well. Nothing has changed yet. / I am st..
오늘도 Stefan 튜터랑 그저께 못했던 토픽카드를 마저 진행했다. 벌써 4,5?번째 수업인데 매 수업마다 너무 만족스럽다 ㅠㅠ 오늘 수업은 브리저튼 얘기도하고 동생얘기도하고 너무 재밌었당.. 그나저나 영어공부 열심히 해야지 새로 배운 것 thirsty - needing to drink possessive make someone do something - to order someone to make or do something (내가 직접 명령 / 간접) 'is' is true, 'looks' is just my opinion. 발음 유의 demon [ˈdiːmən] sad[sæd] elephant[ˈelɪfənt] the + 자음 ('디'라고 발음하기) secret[ˈsiːkrət] monkey[ˈmʌ..