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따봉도치야 고마워
[GET 표현] *get over + something, someone *get ahead of something/someone - to be better than - to be more successful or better than (something/someone) in performance. e.g. The best way to get ahead is through hard work. *get around - travel - walk around *get through - to deal with a difficult or unpleasant experience and to reach the end of it. - focus: middle to the end of the difficult (겪고 지나..
[사진 표현하기] in the background you can see .. in the background there is .. in the middle/center there is .. at the top/bottom there is .. on the left/right there is .. behind/in front of A you can see .. between a and b there is .. in the foreground there is .. in the back there is A .. - the photo shows A. the picture shows A. we can see A. it's a black-and-white photo. there is A. it was taken b..
* on a scale of [idiom] - used with a range of numbers to show the size, strength, or quality of something. - ~의 범위로 보면 e.g. I like it. On a scale of 1 to 10, I give the movie a 9. e.g. On a scale of 1 to 10, How much do you like it? * New words - National foundation day of Korea : 개천절 - identical [aɪˈdentɪkl] : 동일한 - tantalizing [ˈtæntəlaɪz] : 감질나는 - cavity [ˈkævəti] : 구멍 // tooth cavity 충치 - c..
[Conjunction] * And vs Then - a,b and c - a,b then c 는 다름 (e.g. I will buy a, b then c = a,b 를 산 뒤에 c를 살 것이다라는 뉘앙스 ) * Or의 의미 1. 둘 중 하나 2. 경고 * Then vs So vs Because 1. Then : 사실을 나열하는 용도 2. So / Because : 이유에 포커스 - Reason, So + Effect - Effect, Because + Reason e.g. (So) John forgot about his date with his girlfriend so she dumped him (Then) John's girlfriend took her stuff from Jonh's apartmen..
Imagine an imaginary menagerie manager managing an imaginary menagerie. [COMMON MISTAKES] * THE + 장소 - 장소의 모음 (The USA, The UK, The phillipeen, Netherlands ...) - 예외 : 강/바다/대양 (O), 호수/산 (X), 대륙(X) *긍정/부정 공감 1) also/too/as well - for positive responses. e.g. - I eat vegetables, too. - She has been to Italy as well. 2) either/neither - for negative responses e.g. - She doesn't eat vegetables eithe..
[NEW THINGS] * as far as I know - 내가 아는한 * say/tell vs speak/talk 1. say vs tell [message] - say + something (to someone) - tell + someone + something 2. speak vs talk [no message] - speak : 말하는 행위 - talk : 말을 주고받는 행위 - using language - opening your mouth and making sounds to deliver a message * worn out [adj] = 닳아 빠진 = extremely tired = no longer usable because of too much use. e.g. My shoes ar..
* cutting in and out 기억하기 [NEW THINGS] *impulsive [ɪmˈpʌlsɪv][adj] = 충동적인 - showing behavior in which you do things suddenly without any planning and without considering the effects they may have. ex. Dont' be so impulsive, thinking before you act. *itchy vs itch 1) itchy [ˈɪtʃi] [adj] - 가려운 - My skin is itchy. - y발음 잘해야됨 잘못하면 itch처럼 들림 2) itch [ɪtʃ] [verb] - 가렵다 - I can feel some itch on my ski..
[NEW THINGS] *meet up with, meet with (vs meet) - meet : 누군가를 처음 만났을 때 - meet with : 누군가랑 시간을 보낸 만남 - meet up with : 친목차원에서 모이다. *like/hate 사용법 + something + it when + situation // 상황을 말할 때 *how + adj + be + subject? - 얼마나 adj 한지 물어볼 때 *only so much/many - ~밖에 하지 못한다는 제한적인 의미를 포함 - used to say that there are limits to something ex. - I can eat only so much fruit. : 과일만 많이 먹을 수 있어 - There are onl..