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목록전화영어 (110)
따봉도치야 고마워
[NEW THINGS] 관계 대명사 1. who - 사람 2. which - 사물 3. that - 사람 & 사물 *the를 '디'라고 읽는 기준은 스펠링이 아니라, 발음 기준이다. - the one [더 원] - the honor [디 아널] *omit [əˈmɪt] = not to include something. //생략하다 = remove something. [PRONUNCIATION] solve [sɑːlv] naughty [ˈnɔːti] novel [ˈnɑːvl] relative [ˈrelətɪv] girl [ɡɜːrl] //혀 위치 신경쓰기 [FEEDBACK] I ran again into the girl who I met last year. Finally, I bought the dress..
It's all thanks to you [NEW THINGS] Active Voice - 행동에 초점 Passive Voice - 대상에 초점 - formula: receiver + be p.p + doer - 목적어가 2개 이상인 문장은 간접/직접 목적어를 주어로 2개의 수동태 문장을 만들 수 있다. *putt [verb] = to hit a golf ball gently across an area of short and even grass towards or into a hole. ex. Palmer putted the ball straight into the hole. *deaf == can't hear *be into something = to be really interested in some..
[NEW THINGS] ASAP (As soon as possible) [EY-sap] used when you want to something to be done quickly. - I have to be done with this work ASAP. BRB (Be right back) [bt dubs; btw] used when you notify another person that you have to leave for a short period of time. - I left my bag, so I have to go home. BRB BTW (By the way) used when you switch the conversation to a different context. - Today's to..
[NEW THINGS] *people person = extroverts [noun][|ekstrəvɜːrt] = an energetic person who enjoys being with other people. *New year's resolution = a promise that you make to yourself to start doing something good or stop doing something bad on the first day of the year. *let go 1. to stop holding something ex. Let go of my hand, you're hurting me! 2. to stop thinking about or being angry about the..
[NEW THINGS] *the + first/next/last time * flavorful : 풍미가 있는 ordinal : 서수의 (첫째, 둘째 같은 수) antonym [æntənɪm] : 반대어 at this rate : 이대로라면 *paper - 단순히 종이를 의미한다면 uncountable - 논문, 신문, 리포트 등을 의미한다면 countable *stress - 스트레스/압박/긴장/강세 uncountable, countable - 강조/병 uncontable *Scissors(가위)는 항상 복수 - pants와 같음 - 2개 이상 : Two pairs of pants. *mouse vs rat - rat : bigger, more heavy *부정, 부정 문장은 듣는 사람이 헷갈린다 - ..
[NEW THINGS] * find it + adjective - adjective 라고 느끼다 ex. I find it difficult to control children. *look + adjective - you are stating your opinion based on what you see. - works like a "be verb" - look + NOT AN ACTIVELY DONE ACTION * congested [adjective]: roads and towns have too much traffic and movement is made difficult. - congested stomach = indigestion [ˌɪndɪˈdʒestʃən] = 소화불량 * frequency ..
[NEW THINGS] * diet [noun > verb] ex. She is on a diet. I need to go on a diet. * tread == walk - tread carefully : to be very careful what you do or say, so that you do not make a mistake or cause a problem * convertible 1. [adjective] : able to be changed in form, function, or character. 2. [noun] : a car with a folding or detachable roof. * fore=front rear=back * Konglish -> English 1. 다이어트 -..
- 이전에 배웠던 말들 써먹기 : Please bear with me. : A really leery Larry rolls readily to the road. [NEW THINGS] * man vs boy - man : an adult male human. - boy : a kid. * the + subway * - stroller [stroʊlə(r)] : 유모차 - triangular [traɪˈæŋɡjələ(r)] : 삼각의 - shaped like a triangle. - redundant [rɪˈdʌndənt] : 중복의 - get the hang : 요령을 터득하다. - yet : 그렇지만, 그런데도 (=nevertheless) * in + 옷 && with + 모자 * ed - person..