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목록분류 전체보기 (210)
따봉도치야 고마워
New things How can I help you : 어떻게 What can I help you with ~? : 무엇을 have a lot on plate = l have a lot of things to do. Pronunciation cracked [krækt] laptop [læptɑːp] elevator [ˈelɪveɪtə(r)] Feedback Can you recommend me a topic card? (not specific) She hurt(과거) her ear because he spoke loudly. / Her ear hurts because he spoke loudly. English Composition The first is to repair themselves. The ..
Oh, I overslept, so I'm late for class. I could barely take the class, but I couldn't concentrate on the class. I shouldn't lie down next time. New things drained[adj] - depleted or empty. ex. My battery is drained so I cannot turn on my phone. Pronunciation different [ˈdɪfrənt] Internet [ɪntərnet] ( in 쎄게 ) cafe [kæˈfeɪ] empty [ˈempti] Feedback I haven't eaten dinner yet. What is a different(an..
I finished this topic card(expressions - color) at last!! New things grateful - 고마운, 감사한 get the hang of it - 요령을 터득하다. by the way - 그건 그렇고 gray area (noun) - something unclear // ambiguous (adj) ex. what is the gray area? ex. that is not clear for me. ex. English has many gray areas. golden opportunity - perfect chance gold < golden - 둘 다 형용사 지만 후자를 더 많이 씀 to ~: ~ 하기에 절호의 기회 of ~: ~의 절호의 찬스 ex...
TOPIC : [LIVING ABROAD - SICK] New thing walk-in - 예약없이 내원하는 schedule an appointment - 약속을 잡다 (reserve 는 table, class 등 과 같이 쓰일 수 있음) come in - 방문하다, 내원하다 feel under the weather - 몸 상태가 좋지 않다. Is there anything else that ~ - 또 ~ 해야될 게 있나요? gist = main point ex. I think I got the gist of what she was saying. Pronunciation early [ˈɜːrli] hospital [hɑːspɪtl] (L 발음 제대로) stomach [ˈstʌmək] ache diarrh..
These days, I was so tired. So it seems to be a happier holiday. And I took two classes today. It was the first class I took during the day. I learned a lot as usual. Anyway, I hope we can do a four-day week in the distant future. New things deposit - 입금하다 transfer - 송금하다 withdraw A from B - 출금하다 balance 잔고 checking account, savings account open/close an account - 계좌 개설/해지 (고객 입장) set A up - 개설 ..
New things get to = arrive to go straight turn left/right go past cross = to go across from one side of something to the other. next to opposite between at the corner of Pronunciation corner [ kɔ:rnər ] pharmacy [fɑ:rməsi] avenue [ævɪnu:] cross [krɔ:s] Feedback I want to know how I can say in detail about a place that is three blocks away. English Composition When the destination was across the ..
New things have gone - the person has left for another place, and hasn't come back yet (only once) have been - the person has left for another place, and has come back already. Pronunciation lunch mall [mɔ́:l] meal [miːl] latte [lǽtei,lɑ́:tei] Feedback Why don't / didn't they use 'I like'? In Korea, more use 'take out' than 'to go'. In Korea, more people use 'take out' than 'to go'. I didn't kno..
*셀 수 있는 명사인지 아닌지 확인: www.macmillandictionary.com/ New things bland = having no taste. grab a bite (= grab + food) craving go to A for B (purpose, noun) / go to A to B (verb) Pronunciation bland [blænd] (a 길게) taste bite [baɪt] crave [kreɪv] cafeteria [│kæfətɪrəriə] FeedBack I grabbed a pizza to eat yesterday. I will go to the hospital for medicine. I will go to the pharmacy to get medicine. Engl..