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https://programmers.co.kr/learn/courses/30/lessons/67256 코딩테스트 연습 - 키패드 누르기 [1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 2, 1, 4, 5, 9, 5] "right" "LRLLLRLLRRL" [7, 0, 8, 2, 8, 3, 1, 5, 7, 6, 2] "left" "LRLLRRLLLRR" [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0] "right" "LLRLLRLLRL" programmers.co.kr 풀이 가운데 키패드와 거리를 어떻게 재느냐가 문제였는데, 배열 x,y 좌표의 차이로 계산을 했다. 빠르게 찾기 위해 키패드 값을 key로 x, y 값을 계산해서 넣었다 x = 숫자 idx / 3 y = 숫자 idx % 3 위와 같이 계산 시 첫 행에 있..
[NEW THINGS] *believe vs believe in 1. believe : to think that something is true or correct. (사실/진실임을 믿음) ex) I believe you. I know you're not lying 2. believe in : to be certain that something exists. (존재/능력/가능성을 믿음) ex) Do you believe in ghosts? *quotes - Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground. = dream high, stay practical *words - superb[suːpɜːrb] : 최고의 - altogether [ˌɔːltəˈ..
https://programmers.co.kr/learn/courses/30/lessons/42862 코딩테스트 연습 - 체육복 점심시간에 도둑이 들어, 일부 학생이 체육복을 도난당했습니다. 다행히 여벌 체육복이 있는 학생이 이들에게 체육복을 빌려주려 합니다. 학생들의 번호는 체격 순으로 매겨져 있어, 바로 앞번 programmers.co.kr 풀이 놓치기 쉬운 핵심 2가지만 신경쓰니까 바로 풀렸다 도둑 맞은 학생이 여벌 옷이 있는 경우 : 미리 lost, reserve에서 소거 input 값이 정렬되지 않은 경우 : 순서에 상관없이 짜거나, sort Code 1. function solution(n, lost, reserve) { var answer = 0; const tmpLost = lost.sli..
[NEW THINGS] *farther vs further - 둘 다 more far 의 의미지만 - farther : 길이나 거리 - further : 시간이나 양 *military time - the system of using 24 numbers instead of twelve to refer to the hour in the day. - 18:00 -> eighteen hundred. ex. The clock should be read in military time. *whereas [conjunction] - compared with the fact that - but - similar to "on the other hand" but used in the same sentence // on th..
[NEW THINGS] *READING TIME 1. COMMON - 시 분 순서대로 읽기 ex) It's 8 15. 2. (30분 이하인 경우) 분 PAST 시 ex) 8:15 - It's 15(minutes) past 8. 3. (30분 초과) 분 TO/TILL/BEFORE 시 ex) 7:45 - It's 15(minutes) to 8. 4. 특정 단어로 대체 - 15: a quarter - 30: half ex) It's a quarter past 8. ex) It's half past 8. 5. DO YOU HAVE THE TIME? - THE가 붙으면 시간을 물어보는 것 *LITTLE VS A LITTLE - little : 거의 없다 - a little : 조금 있다. * -ING VS -ED..
Today's topic is 'Reading dates' I already know, but my pronunciation is so unnatural. ㅜㅜ New things 1) the day after tomorrow - two days from now ex. I have to cancel our class on the day after tomorrow. 2) on the clock - Currently engaged in work during one's normal working day or assigned hours. ex. I'm on the clock. (일 중인..) 3) around the corner - A time or event is coming very soon. ex. It ..
New things (Let's) say used as a way of introducing a hypothetical or possible situation = for example used to introduce a suggestion or possible example of something ex. Try and finish this work by, let's say, Friday. Pronunciation interrogative[│ɪntərɑːɡətɪv] which [wɪtʃ] Feedback The color of the walls in my kitchen is white. My kitchen wall's color is white. I'm two years older than Hayliy. ..
New things pull someone's leg = to make someone believe something that is not true as a joke A or B 말할 때 A 높게 B 낮게 trillion = 1,000,000,000 home a. house, apartment, etc where your family lives. b. [adj] similar to "a" but it has emotional meaning, a place where you belong. spontaneously 자연히 [WH Question] - WH + Aux verb - 끝날 때 억양 낮게 Pronunciation for [fə(r)] book [bʊk] wallet [wɔːlɪt] Greece [ɡ..