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[NEW THINGS] * find it + adjective - adjective 라고 느끼다 ex. I find it difficult to control children. *look + adjective - you are stating your opinion based on what you see. - works like a "be verb" - look + NOT AN ACTIVELY DONE ACTION * congested [adjective]: roads and towns have too much traffic and movement is made difficult. - congested stomach = indigestion [ˌɪndɪˈdʒestʃən] = 소화불량 * frequency ..
[NEW THINGS] * diet [noun > verb] ex. She is on a diet. I need to go on a diet. * tread == walk - tread carefully : to be very careful what you do or say, so that you do not make a mistake or cause a problem * convertible 1. [adjective] : able to be changed in form, function, or character. 2. [noun] : a car with a folding or detachable roof. * fore=front rear=back * Konglish -> English 1. 다이어트 -..
[NEW THINGS] * work out [verb] - to excercise. - noun version: workout - ex. He works out in the gym two of three times a week. * cunning [adjective] 간사한/교활한 - someone who is good at trickery - characterized by wiliness and trickery * wake-up call 1. something that serves to alert a person to a problem, danger, or need. (warning) 2. something that serves to wake a sleeper * north pole = 북극 * 동명사..
- 이전에 배웠던 말들 써먹기 : Please bear with me. : A really leery Larry rolls readily to the road. [NEW THINGS] * man vs boy - man : an adult male human. - boy : a kid. * the + subway * - stroller [stroʊlə(r)] : 유모차 - triangular [traɪˈæŋɡjələ(r)] : 삼각의 - shaped like a triangle. - redundant [rɪˈdʌndənt] : 중복의 - get the hang : 요령을 터득하다. - yet : 그렇지만, 그런데도 (=nevertheless) * in + 옷 && with + 모자 * ed - person..
- 완료형 써먹자 - 이전에 배웠던 말들 써먹기 : Please bear with me. : A really leery Larry rolls readily to the road. [NEW THINGS] * worked up [adjective] - upset or very excited about something ex. It's easy to get worekd up when you're tired and everything seems to be against you. ex. He was very worked up about seeing his family again after so many years. * satisfy + with ex. How satisfied are you with our ser..
[NEW THINGS] * have gone vs have been - have gone : the person has left for another place and hasn't come back yet. - have been : the person has left for another place and has come back already. * home의 소유격이 주어와 같을 땐 생략 * this/last/next + 시간 앞엔 주로 전치사 안씀 * (Please) bear with someone. - be patient with that person. - hold on; wait ex. Let me search that word. Please bear with me. * until vs by - ..
https://programmers.co.kr/learn/courses/30/lessons/42840 코딩테스트 연습 - 모의고사 수포자는 수학을 포기한 사람의 준말입니다. 수포자 삼인방은 모의고사에 수학 문제를 전부 찍으려 합니다. 수포자는 1번 문제부터 마지막 문제까지 다음과 같이 찍습니다. 1번 수포자가 찍는 programmers.co.kr Code function solution(answers) { var answers1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; var answers2 = [2, 1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2, 5]; var answers3 = [3, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 4, 5, 5]; var scores = [0, 0, 0]; for (let idx in answers) ..
+ The words came out well today. + Be careful with the accent at the end of the sentence. [NEW THINGS] * Adverbs of frequency (빈도 높은 순으로) - always 항상 100% - usually 대개의 - generally 개괄적으로 - often 자주 - sometimes 간혹은 50% - occasionally 가끔 - hardly ever 거의 없다 - rarely 드물게 - never 결코 하지 않다 0% * fly(leave) the nest - When children fly the nest, they leave their parent's home to live on their own. - ex..